Friday, April 23, 2010

Terrified - Katharine McPhee

You by the light
Is the greatest find
In a world full wrong you're the thing that's right
Finally made it through the lonely to the other side

You said it again my heart's in motion
Every word feels like a shooting star
I'm at the edge of my emotions
Watching the shadows burning in the dark,
And I'm in love and I'm terrified.
For the first time in the last time
In my only life.

This could be good
It's already better than last
And love is worse than knowing
You're holding back
I could be all that you needed
If you let me try

You said it again my hearts in motion
Every word feels like a shooting start
I'm at the edge of my emotions
Watching the shadows burning in the dark
And I'm in love and I'm terrified
For the first time in the last time
in my only

I only said it cause I mean it
I only mean cause it's true
So don't you doubt what i've been dreaming
Cause it fills me up and holds me close
Whenever i'm without you

You said it again my hearts in motion
Every word feels like a shooting star
Watching the shadows burning in the dark
And I'm in love and I'm terrified
For the first time in the last time
In my only life


so. Cikgu Bustaman (dont laugh) didn't come to class on Tuesday. Coincidentally his class was the 2 last periods of the day. So us 4C Lodgians were spared from Prosa Tradisionals for the day for 80 minutes. I took the liberty of leaving school early (during 2nd break) and asked sHusHu to pick me up. So there we were, galivanting.


me: So. wadda we do now?
sHusHu: ionno.. u tell me. i'm da driver.
me: *sigh* hmmmm. drive there then. i'll teach you how to get to my house through BDC.
sHusHu: okay :)

- driving happily -

(upon reaching airport roundabout)
sHusHu: now where u wanna go nih?
me: *crazy idea forming* lets go Sunny Hill.
sHusHu: waaaaaaaaaaaaadddd???
me: come on!! faster faster!!
sHusHu: ............. -.-'

- drives happily again -

sHusHu: *parks* here we are.
me: come come! *goes to school*
sHusHu: *follows* eh i'm da driver jak kay. no dissing2.
me: emm. *happy*

- walks -

me: eh why the school empty de? what time they finish arr?
sHusHu: there auditorium there.
me: oh. *walks there*

me: *shouts* ELLEN!!!!

There I was, catching up with Ellen, Jia Wen and Shirley. Said hi to them boys. BUT GUESS WHAT? The Pakistani bitch saw me and ran away. Cheh. Coward ass. HA. Said goodbye to them, promised to come by sometime again.

Then we drove around again. Went to Green Heights Mall to pee. LOL. Then sHusHu wanted to go to a saloon, so went to Jln Song's CG. Waited my arse of 30 minutes there.

Went driving around for a bit again, then came home. :)
sHusHu went to pick her mom after aeRoBicS. :)))))

all in all, a great day.

i LOVE you sHusHu!



*cough cough*
*blows nose*
*sniff sniff*
. . . . .  . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . 


Sunday, April 4, 2010

Uneducated Illiterates

It just amazes me how some supposedly "best student" of one of the "accredited English language oriented school" with very "educated" doctor parents NOT know the difference between the word UNEDUCATED and ILLITERATE.

  1. I am a PROFESSIONAL disser.
  2. I have the much-sought-after SARDONIC ATTITUDE the size of a MOUNTAIN.
  3. Not to mention a tongue as sharp as a SAMURAI.
  4. I am also equipped with DEAD SET HARD HEART which does not allow any pity or compassion on lower-life beings like you.
  5. I am blessed with more than triple of your INTELLIGENCE.
  6. Most importantly, I am highly regarded as one of the best English Language speaker in my ex-school, which is your current miserable slum of an institute, and I, unlike you, EARN THAT TITLE THROUGH MY OWN APTITUDE, unlike you, who got that title because I left. 
How lame can you be, I ask you?

Please, for the sake of all sardines in the world, how low can you go?

Bringing my parents into your childish, senseless retaliation to my very intelligible argument?

For the sake of YOUR English teachers, how stupid can you be?

Proudly proclaiming to the whole wide world that I am the stupid one because I used uneducated and illiterate in one sentence?

Let me explain to you in SIMPLE, STANDARD 1 ENGLISH (for ages 6 and below), the meaning of ILLITERATE and UNEDUCATED.


Uneducated - not having a good education.

An uneducated person can be literate.
An illiterate person can be an educated one.

SO PLEASE. Get your facts right before telling others that YOU are teaching ME that UNEDUCATED and ILLITERATE means the same thing. They are two different terms.

And also, please, for the sake of mankind, use proper punctuation! "i'm teachin someone the proper usage of the word uneducated and illeterate......some people just dont look before they student..they call themselves....hahahhahahah..its funny.....!...lolx" does NOT mean anything!

Mistake no. 1: Teaching is spelled with a "g" at the end.
Mistake no. 2: Uneducated and illiterate are TWO words. Plural, not singular.
Mistake no. 3: Illiterate is NOT spelled illeterate.
Mistake no. 4: Wrong usage of idiom. The idiom "look before you leap" does not apply to this sentence.
Mistake no. 5: "best student...they call themselves..." PLEASE! You are not writing a song lyrics, nor a poem. Use commas instead of fullstops.
Mistake no. 6: "hahahahha..its funny....! lolx" 3 repetitive meanings. Lolx is redundant.

This is what you should have written. "I'm teaching someone the proper usage of the words uneducated and illiterate. some people just don't think before they write! best student, they call themselves. hahahahah, it's funny!"

I have not forgiven you yet for what you did toward Aisha and I last year. That was so low of you, asshole. You're just one of those fucking bitches who's power crazy and craves for attention from all species, regardless male or female.

Thank you for making me write this very long blog post, my ego now is elated to the point of Pinocchio-sized nose because I spotted and corrected you in every way possible. Nevertheless, I shall not decrease my level of hatred towards you after today.

May you stew over your lack in the English Language, and strive to improve in order to actually live up to your now-meaningless title of one of the best English speakers in your very useless despondent school.

Charine Pakpahan


oh what a day!

it started with sleeping around 3am due to umm.. "disturbance" from a special someone... then waking up at 6am cuz sis went to da loo, and i heard her flush da loo, and it woke me up. =.=''  then i saw that my batt was low, so i charged my hp, and went back to sleep.. woke up at 7.53am cuz gpa opened the gate to go marketing.. then i decided to do smth useful with my time and went to dry the clothes!! so guai. then did the laundry, and cuz i was hungry walked to TJ to eat. roti canai. hehehehe. came back home, ironed my uniform, dried the new batch of laundry, then woke my sis up, took a bath, got ready, and went to tHe sPring. for sHusHu's "birthday party". (note the quotation marks)  =)

upon reaching the now seemingly boring spring, walked up to mph cuz didn't wanna terserempak wid sHusHu's momma. met sHusHu, hugged, then saw the 4th installment of Diary of a Wimpy Kid, and sat down and read. while waiting for mBa aYu to come. when she came, we walked out of mph, (d'oh). sHusHu n kuPii went job hunting. ka eLLa and mBa aYu went food hunting.

first job-hunting destination was Conelli. the sports store. hahahahaha. next was Dessert. then sHusHu got interviewed, i got hungry, so me, ka eLLa and mBa aYu went to Ta Kiong to get ingredients for our SARDINE PARTY :) :) :)

and the havoc started.

sHusHu drove.

and *CKIIITTTTT!!!!* *dupp!* was the sound we heard when an Avanza hit our bumper.

the rest was history.

speed chase, talking, getting shocked, the works.
let's skip it.


went to mBa's place quite shaken. then we cooked!


rice, sardines, vege, soup.

and we ATE.

and had GREEN TEA vs SOUP drinking contest.

which was weird. and made me tummy bloat. gah.

then we SLEPT. (kinda)

only da 4 of us knows the full story. memory is better than words, no?
pictures up somewhere this week. when i have time.






Saturday, April 3, 2010


Dear Mr Caine Brown Chan Wai Yip,

I thought u were a female!
thanks for da help, Mr Wai *high pitch voice* YIP!!
:)) :)) :))


Friday, April 2, 2010