Sunday, April 4, 2010


oh what a day!

it started with sleeping around 3am due to umm.. "disturbance" from a special someone... then waking up at 6am cuz sis went to da loo, and i heard her flush da loo, and it woke me up. =.=''  then i saw that my batt was low, so i charged my hp, and went back to sleep.. woke up at 7.53am cuz gpa opened the gate to go marketing.. then i decided to do smth useful with my time and went to dry the clothes!! so guai. then did the laundry, and cuz i was hungry walked to TJ to eat. roti canai. hehehehe. came back home, ironed my uniform, dried the new batch of laundry, then woke my sis up, took a bath, got ready, and went to tHe sPring. for sHusHu's "birthday party". (note the quotation marks)  =)

upon reaching the now seemingly boring spring, walked up to mph cuz didn't wanna terserempak wid sHusHu's momma. met sHusHu, hugged, then saw the 4th installment of Diary of a Wimpy Kid, and sat down and read. while waiting for mBa aYu to come. when she came, we walked out of mph, (d'oh). sHusHu n kuPii went job hunting. ka eLLa and mBa aYu went food hunting.

first job-hunting destination was Conelli. the sports store. hahahahaha. next was Dessert. then sHusHu got interviewed, i got hungry, so me, ka eLLa and mBa aYu went to Ta Kiong to get ingredients for our SARDINE PARTY :) :) :)

and the havoc started.

sHusHu drove.

and *CKIIITTTTT!!!!* *dupp!* was the sound we heard when an Avanza hit our bumper.

the rest was history.

speed chase, talking, getting shocked, the works.
let's skip it.


went to mBa's place quite shaken. then we cooked!


rice, sardines, vege, soup.

and we ATE.

and had GREEN TEA vs SOUP drinking contest.

which was weird. and made me tummy bloat. gah.

then we SLEPT. (kinda)

only da 4 of us knows the full story. memory is better than words, no?
pictures up somewhere this week. when i have time.






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