Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Today was...........

Hmm.. I just realized. It's been quite a while since I sang you to sleep, sHusHu. kuPii do it tonight? Gonna study..

Exams are asses. Blahh. Gonna have physics and chemistry tomorrow. Aiming for a pass. HAAHAHAHAHA! As Lynn puts it: The older we get, the Lower we aim. It used to be getting PERFECT scores back then in primary school. Come early secondary, we started aiming for A's. 70s-80s. Come Form 4, we HOPE we can manage a pass. Hahahaha. Sucks..

Today was weird. Got so little sleep, then when I tried to open the room door to take a shower, I appearantly blacked out. Not that I remembered. When i open my eyes could feel my body all numb and my brain blurr2. Hahahaha. I still went to school tho. For the sake of taking exams. Guai right... =))

Trying to understand physics now. Inertia, Momentum, Scalar & Vector and all that crap. Sigh..

Ka eLLa n mBa aYu coming in tomorrow!! YAY~!!! Gonna bully them into buying me Starbux and such. Hehehehehe..


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