Monday, February 22, 2010

One night away..

Dearest sHasHa..
  Hey honey :) my sHusHu honey.. Guess the kuPii_sHusHu 90deg Inc. will never work out now, eh? :) I'm sorry i couldn't keep my part of the pinky pwomish with a kish.. Baby, u take care okay.. I love you so much.. It's okay that I had to go on my own terms, baby i don't blame you. I dont.. Remember your promise to him. Keep it. Please.
  Baby, thanks for everything okay.. It truly was Lady Luck being real extra generous on me the day we became friends :) Thank you for the great weekend honey, thank you for the friendship, thank you for the love you gave, thank you for caring, thank you for being my friend. Thank you for always being there for me, for always sticking up to me, teaching me, loving me, entertaining me, caring for me. Thank you baby. I love you.
  Honey, you get well soon okay.. I know the operation will work out. I know it will. You keep holding on and wait for it okay? Wait for the reward that comes. It'll come soon. I guess it wasn't me, nor him, nor the boys. Something better's on its way deary, you just wait okay?
  sHusHu dear, go for your dream alright? I know you can make it. You're strong, baby. I love you, despite all I did, all I've done to you. I love you deary, you're my BFF. Always and Forever.
  All those dates, those period of times we bookmarked, cherish it ya..? Remember me sometimes, honey.. Please?.. Especially 02.11.2009. :) and yes, last weekend. i LOVED it honey, and you know why. Only you know.
  Remember I Love You.

  Giiiiiiirrrlll it's been great knowing you!! Be good aite, study hard!! SLEEP TIGHT and i mean it :) hehehe.. and hey, do some soul searching aite. You need it. HAHAHAHA i'm one to talk. LOL. Anyway, do take care, xoxoxoxo!

Ivory n Mich,
  Thanks so much for always being there for me, dears. For making me get A in Science for PMR n UPSR (ivory) and for teaching me add maths! (Michie)  Love you both, study hard for SPM!!
  Ivory, you'll get into BRATs. You're like this writer, brimming with talent!! Love your stories!! Keep writing dear, don't give up on your studies okay? You'll make it :)
  Jie, sorry didn't get the chance to go eat pijja with you :) Watch your food deary, not too much cheesecakes!! Hahahahaha..
Love you both dears, mwaaahhhxx!!

  Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyy, u gotta love ANAT and i mean it!! hahahahahaa. don't simply jab ur patients okay, nurse? Scared la i.. hehehehe.. You rock when you're driving, girl!!! The tyng we all know *TRANSFORM* when behind the wheels. HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAA!! Keep loving the roundabouts, drive safe! Love ya, cutie!! :D

Mba Ayu,
  Dear, never give up. Go for your dreams. You deserve better :) love you. love you. love you.

Ka eLLa,
  Words cant describe how grateful I am to have a sis like you, darling. You're vintage, you're unique, you're one-of-a-kind. You're fantastic, you're crazy, you're a genius, you're everything!! Don't worry what they say dear, you're talented. I love your music. Don't sleep so late at night honey, eat properly!~ i Luph you~

Mum & Dad,
  I'm sorry I didn't turn out as planned. I'm not smart, I'm not religious, I'm not even normal! I failed where I should have aced, I'm sorry you had to have a child like me. I guess it was wrong on your part to send me away from home at such a young age. You don't even know me. How could you have known I'm someone who likes you both more being around physically? That it would've helped my mental growth to be with you? No, Grandma and Grandpa can't replace you. They're not my parents. You both are. I didn't have a childhood. I dont know my parents. I know what the world knows about you, but nothing more. Ask Edi, ask Ka eLLa. You don't know how much I used to cry wanting to go home. Guess you'll never know. Nevertheless, thank you for giving me a chance to live. I love you as much as I can love a familiar stranger. Do take care.

  Be a good boy. Study hard. Don't waste that brain of yours. Lose weight! You're gonna be this tall, dark and handsome guy one day :) hehehe. we hope. take care lil' bro, lots of love..

God forbid
Lots of love,

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