Sunday, March 21, 2010

the coming week...

hahahaha. therefore wad? sounds cool jak, like Obama like tat. anyway, yeah. the coming week's my last shot in staying in science stream. LOL. something like tat anyway.

exam's gonna start on Friday, gonna skip on Saturday, then next Monday - Thursday, then have a long weekend. This week's not so bad, i only have Moral exam. Next week's the killer.

Mom's coming on Wednesday. For better or for worse. =/

sHusHu's taking her driving test this Tuesday. Hope she passes. *cross fingers*

ka eLLa's sick. Get well soon dear!! :D

Next sabbath gonna havva meeting with the Shorty Club. Dammit. Hope the Power of the Youth wins over the unholy grail of the Shorti-nesses. Sigh.

*imagines* this is how it'll look like next Sabbath...................................................................

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