Monday, January 11, 2010


Time to reminiscence on the year 2009 :)


My 15th year being on this earth.
i guess... a turning-- no. THE turning point of my life.
2009 taught me many things that changed me - for better or for worse. :) but yeah, 15 is the year that i really grew. mentally, physically n spiritually.

This year....
I learned the true meaning of friendship.
Friends stay up nites just to wait.
Friends share everything, no boundaries.
Friends stick up for each other.
Friends don't mind being woken up at ungodly hours just to talk.
Friends hurt when parted.
Friends accepts each other for who they are.
Friendship means great communication.
A shoulder to cry on. Hugs ready all the time. Agape love.

This year....
i learned to be more patient
to think two steps ahead
i learned that life is not all about the present, but also the future.
patience brings forth good things
i learnt not to act harsh, to think twice, to watch what i say.

2009 especially taught me to endure extreme conditions!!
36 hour non-sleeping marathon
8 hour non-stop talking on HP
2 hours of sleep + 22 hours active for 7 days straight
talking to 'maria'
juggling studies and nightlife
am getting good at tat :)

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